www.premium-cheese.com is a website published by Premium Trading SAS.
Identification of the Company
Premium Trading SAS
SIRET: 534 898 523
Registered to the RCS EVRY.
SAS with capital of 130,000 euros.
Legal representative: RODRIGUES Bruno
Realization of the site and hosting
Immeuble le Magellan
7 rue Montespan
SIRET: 530 201 672 00025
SARL with capital of 10,000 euros.
Website: www,communikey.fr
To contact the webmaster, if you have identified an anomaly or if you would like to
contact the site’s technical manager, please contact: contact@communikey.fr .
Neither the website www.premium-cheese.com nor any third party involved in the
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Information on this site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
The www.premium-cheese.com site reserves the right to make changes,
improvements and changes to the products and programs described on its site at any
time without notice.
Premium Trading informs users of this site that many elements of this site:
(a) are protected by copyright law, such as photographs, articles, cartoons, animated
sequences, etc. ;
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(c) are protected by trademark law.
The protected elements are the property of Premium Trading or third parties that
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Any reproduction, representation, use, adaptation, modification, incorporation,
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designs and/or trademarks, punished by two years' imprisonment and a €150,000
Copyright and/or Design Rights:
The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences, sound or
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Reproductions, in paper or computer format, The said site is authorised provided that
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The information provided on www.premium-cheese.com is for your
information. Premium Trading cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or
timeliness of the information published on the site. The information on this site may
contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. This information may be
periodically modified and changes will be incorporated into new editions. Premium
Trading may, at any time, without notice, make improvements or changes to the
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are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing into the
Intellectual Property Code the European Directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal
protection of databases. As such, any reproduction or extraction would be the
responsibility of the user.
The website www.premium-cheese.com provides access to other sites via hyperlinks.
Since Premium Trading does not manage these sites, it cannot control their content.
Consequently, Premium Trading may under no circumstances be held responsible for
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cheese.com (no link to an inside page).
All content on this site (articles, illustrations, screenshots, graphics, logos, downloads
and other files), is the property of www.premium-cheese.com and its respective
authors, and is protected by French and international copyright laws, trademarks and
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companies that market or sell these products.
Protection of personal data:
You can visit www.premium-cheese.com without having to reveal your identity or any
other personal information about yourself.
Premium Trading is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting the
information you provide. In particular, the personal data collected on the website
www.premium-cheese.com is intended for the use of Premium Trading. They are
confidential and treated as such.
With regard to the personal information that you may be required to communicate to
us, you have a right of access and rectification in accordance with the French law
Informatique et Liberté n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978. You can exercise this right with
Premium Trading – Address: 48 Cours Blaise Pascal, 91000 EVRY.
If you are subscribed to information services by e-mail («newsletter») you can ask to
stop receiving these letters.
We would like to inform you that in order to offer you products and services that are
always more suitable, certain non-personal information relating to your activity on this
site will be automatically collected. This information is intended for Premium Trading
and may also be used for commercial or marketing purposes or as a basis for studies
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This information will not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances. Only
Premium Trading personnel have access to the data.
Respect for privacy
In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended in 2004, on data
processing, files and freedoms (the so-called “Loi Informatique et Libertés”),
www.premium-cheese.com was reported to the CNIL (receipt no. xxx v W)
Exercise of the right of access:
In accordance with Article 34 of the Loi Informatique et Libertés, you have the right to
access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right of
access, please contact:
By mail to : Premium Trading – 48 Cours Blaise Pascal, 91000 EVRY.
Website : www.premium-cheese.com